Sunday, November 30, 2008

So Thankful For Friends

I have always been blessed to have such great friends! I have been friends with most of them since elementary and high school. We got together on Saturday night. I had such a great time!

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GOD knew that everyone needs
Companionship and cheer,
He knew that people need someone
Whose thoughts are always near.

He knew they need someone kind
To lend a helping hand.
Someone to gladly take the time
To care and understand.

GOD knew that we all need someone
To share each happy day,
To be a source of courage
When troubles come our way.

Someone to be true to us,
Whether near or far apart.
Someone whose love we'll always
Hold and treasure in our hearts.

That's Why GOD Gave Us Friends!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How to Blow Your Job Interview

Heard a funny joke this morning..........What do Georgia Tech fans and most UGA fans have in common? They both never went to UGA!

Watch below. It's very funny.

Do Unto Others: Screw With Your Job Interviewer - video powered by Metacafe

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Meet Makenzie Danielle Barfield

Yesterday we took Alyssa up to Babyland General. She got to adopt her very own baby. After several (and I mean several) minutes, Makenzie Danielle Barfield was finally ours.

Here she is signing the adoption papers.

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Babyland General was having a Christmas Celebration. We let the kids enjoy the petting zoo.

Brett and his new "granddaughter."

Great-Granddaddy and Makenzie

Alyssa enjoyed pony rides.

We danced to the awesome music!!

We even got Grandmommy out there.

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We had a wonderful time in the mountains!!

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Veterans Day @ Rock Spring

Today Rock Spring Elem. celebrated Veterans Day.

These are pictures taken on the Veterans Wall in the school. Below is Papa and his Sister who served in WWII. Papa was a POW in Japan for 31/2 years.

Here are pictures of my dad, who served in the Navy. As you can tell by the pictures, Trent was so proud to have been able to participate in the celebration.
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Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Cupake Maker

Thanks, Cousin Megan for my Cupcake Maker. We can't wait for you to have children.
Alyssa loves baking. She did very well but the mixes are just horrible to eat. Of course we all acted like it was sooo good, until Alyssa said eww... I don't want to eat the rest. Then Megan, Brett, and I each spot ours out too.

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Cupcakes @ School

Yesterday I went to Alyssa's school with cupcakes. She was so excited. Evidently with every birthday Ms. Julie gives Birthday Spankings. The class was so funny. Of course she om;y pretended. But Ms. Julie looked at me and said, "I've Been Waiting to Do This All Year!" I bet she has..... We had a good laugh.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Day Alyssa Michelle Barfield was Born.

It was November 19th, 2003.

Pam and Ealy came to pick me up right on time 5:20 am. Brett met us at the hospital from work. Poor guy had to work all night then go to the hospital. I was there right at 6:00 am! Nurse Sandra took me to my suite #8! It was a big room. I undressed and they started the IV’s. Brett was busy admitting me so Mom and Pam stayed in the room while the nurses got everything started. I had gained 22 pounds total this pregnancy which was great in comparison to the 42 pounds that I had gained with Trent.

Anyway, they came and took blood, checked my vitals, then at around 7:00 they started my pitocin drip. For the next hour every fifteen minutes they increased the drip and after a while I started to feel the contractions. They seemed to be stronger on my left side. Brett held my hand and Mom rubbed my back. I worked through them. Dr. Simpson-Jones came in around 8:00 and broke my water. That REALLY hurt. She laid me completely flat and did it. I remember talking the whole time to keep my mind off of what she was actually doing. She draped my legs and the floor. Brett said he was glad she was doing that because he didn’t want his new shoes to get messed up. Knowing he was joking, she looked at him and said that he shouldn’t have worn them then. I told her I felt as if I was getting my teeth cleaned. She laughed. But once again I really didn’t feel and big gush just a warm feeling. But it really hurt; looking back I think she must have scraped my membranes alittle bit to get me going.

Immediately after she broke my water I told Mela (my nurse)to call for my epidermal. During the wait I was REALLY starting to feel the contractions. Brett was so good at helping me work through them.
The anesthesiologist finally arrived around 8:40. I was alittle nervous about moving. But I did fine. In it went and it really didn’t hurt very bad. It just felt like another needle prick. I felt the comfort almost immediately. With every contraction I felt less and less. He waited around about another fifteen minutes to make sure everything was OK. The pressure was really getting intense. My left side was still hurting. It was a dull crampy feeling in my upper leg. I remember the anesthesiologist talking on his cell phone and popping up to tell Mela to check me because of all the pressure that I was feeling. I told Mela that I thought I needed to push. She said well let me check you, and don’t you surprise me! The checked me and her eyes got really BIG. She said, “Yelp! You surprised me.” She could see and feel the head! I was clearly 10 centimeters and ready to push.
Before she could even call for her Dr. Simpson-Jones came briskly into the room. She said, “Let’s see what's going on in here!” She said that I was ready to have the baby! Unknowingly to me, she was at the nurse’s station watching my monitor when she noticed a decrease in Alyssa’s heart rate. The umbilicord was really tight pressing against her neck. Everything then happened so fast. She instructed me to push and Brett started counting. Within 10 minutes at 9:20 am out came Alyssa Michelle Barfield.

Mela asked Brett to cut the cord, but Dr. Simpson-Jones interrupted stating that the cord was “alittle” tight and that she would have to cut it. She lifted Alyssa on top of my stomach. She looked really blue and wasn’t breathing. The nurses whisked her away and I kept saying, “Suction her mouth!” “Suction her mouth!” I was trying to concentrate on what the doctor was doing to me instead of Alyssa. I told Brett to go over to her. The resuscitation team quickly came in and finally got her breathing.

I couldn’t believe that she was finally here. She looked huge! I thought for sure that she was over 8 ½ pounds. She had dark hair and really, really chubby cheeks.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl.

Alyssa's 1st Birthday

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Alyssa's 5th Birthday Trip to her "Favorite" Mall

All Alyssa wanted to do for her birthday was go to her "favorite" mall. So today we had a girls day. I let her go to Build-A-Bear and make whatever she wanted to.
After she picked her animal she picked a heart and made a wish.

She placed the heart into the animal.

Then she stuffed her animal. She was so excited that she actually did this herself!

The kitty then got her first bath.

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After she named her, Alyssa, she got her dressed. (Even with underwear)

Here they are.....Alyssa the (almost) 5 year old and Alyssa the kitty cat. Yes, she named her Alyssa too.

On the way out of the mall they rode the Train. That's Alyssa's favorite part of the mall.

All tired out after a full "girls" day at the mall.

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Baseball Season Is Finally Over!!

Trent and Coach Don.

Last week finally concluded all baseball until January! Trent played every well defensively this season! He didn't have much action at third but when he did he was on the ball. He caught someone stealing from second and had an amazing throw to first for an out! He did very well on the mound for his first season pitching. He had over 20 strikeouts and his last game of the season completed all outs in one inning. His end of the season trophy had a pitcher up top. He was very proud of that. Below is a great picture of Alyssa last week.
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